The National Elevation Dataset (NED) is a collection of DEMs covering the USA at different resolutions.
Resolution and Coverage
NED comes in several different resolutions, each with a different coverage area.
The most commonly used resolutions are 1 arcsecond (covering North America and Mexico) and 1/3 arcsecond (covering CONUS, HI, PR, and parts of AK). The 1/3 arcsecond dataset is used in the Open Topo Data public API.
Two higher resolutions have partial coverage focused on more urbanised areas.
And there are separate datasets with full coverage of Alaska at 2 arseconds (60m) and 5m.
Coverage screenshots are from The National Map.
Adding NED 10m to Open Topo Data
Make a new folder for the dataset:
Download the files from USGS into ./data/ned10m
. You want the USGS_13_xxxxxxx.tif
Next, Open Topo Data needs the filenames to match the SRTM format: the filename should be the coordinates of the lower-left corner. Here's the Python code I used to do the conversion.
from glob import glob
import os
import re
old_pattern = './data/ned10m/USGS_13_*.tif'
old_paths = list(glob(old_pattern))
print('Found {} files'.format(len(old_paths)))
for old_path in old_paths:
folder = os.path.dirname(old_path)
old_filename = os.path.basename(old_path)
# Extract northing.
res ='([ns]\d\d)', old_filename)
old_northing = res.groups()[0]
# Fix the NS
n_or_s = old_northing[0]
ns_value = int(old_northing[1:3])
if old_northing[:3] == 'n00':
new_northing = 's01' + old_northing[3:]
elif n_or_s == 'n':
new_northing = 'n' + str(ns_value - 1).zfill(2) + old_northing[3:]
elif n_or_s == 's':
new_northing = 's' + str(ns_value + 1).zfill(2) + old_northing[3:]
new_filename = old_filename.replace(old_northing, new_northing)
assert new_northing in new_filename
# Prevent new filename from overwriting old tiles.
parts = new_filename.split('.')
parts[0] = parts[0] + '_renamed'
new_filename = '.'.join(parts)
# Rename in place.
new_path = os.path.join(folder, new_filename)
os.rename(old_path, new_path)
Create a config.yaml
Rebuild to enable the new dataset at localhost:5000/v1/ned10m.
Public API
The Open Topo Data public API lets you query NED 10m for free:
"results": [
"elevation": 3498.298583984375,
"location": {
"lat": 37.6535,
"lng": -119.4105
"dataset": "ned10m"
"status": "OK"
NED is still being updated by USGS. The dataset used by the public API was last updated 2020-04-23.